(Click on an instrumentation link, works are listed in alphabetical order within each category.)
Horn - unaccompanied
Horn with one other instrument
(various combinations, including pieces with piano, and with electronic recording)
Horn ensembles
Horn with percussion ensemble
Horn in chamber music - trios
Horn in chamber music - quartets (includes standard woodwind quartets)
Horn in chamber music - quintets and larger (includes standard wind quintets)
Horn and band
Solo French
horn - unaccompanied Works are listed in alphabetical order, durations are in parenthesis:
A DAY IN THE CITY 7 Vignettes (1986)
for solo horn. These
colorful musical scenes from the city are excellent study and recital pieces.
Each vignette depicts an experience the composer had one day during a visit to New York City. The movements are Another Sunrise, Off to a Busy Day, The Lost Key Episode, The Waitin' in Line Blues, Romantic Interlude, Sudden Storm and Out on the Town. "Tonal, charming
and imaginative! The low purchase price and the incisive approach of a skilled
composer make this a piece worth seeking out.- PMEA News (10) Grade IV.
Score samples: Excerpts.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
ON THE STROKE OF MIDNIGHT for solo horn traverses a wide variety of atmospheres, from ranging from gentle, mysterious passages, to intense and powerful exclamations. Throughout there is a sense of mysticism, as if an incantation is taking place around the arrival of midnight. Various extended techniques enhance the traditional horn sound, such as stopped effects, simultaneous singing and playing, flutter tonguing, growling, etc. It may be performed as traditional concert piece, a theatre piece or as an hour-specific piece actually performed at midnight for the fun of it by oneself, or with a group of people.
(4’53”) Grade V-VI. Score samples: Excerpts.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
SEASONS OF CHANGE for solo horn was written for Dr. Andrew Pelletier and the 2016 International Horn Symposium. It musically addresses the inflection points within each of the four seasons where one may get the first hint that change is in the air. Four movements: Winter, Spring Summer, and Autumn.
(9’30”) Grade V-VI. Score Samples: Excerpts.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Horn with one other instrument (Top of Page)
ALIEN LOOP DE LOOPS for horn and electronic recording is a capricious fantasy piece designed to appeal to a wide range of audiences. This work is suitable for low horn. The title refers to both programmatic and technical elements in the composition. The composer envisioned a performer outside in an open area during an air show by an alien craft. During the opening section he/she plays unaccompanied, but then is joined by the recording, which contains sounds generated by traditional instruments as well as an "alien" voice, the spacecraft, and various electronic effects. Technically, the title refers to how the recording was made. It consists of numerous sound loops combined to form an imaginative sonic tapestry.
(6’47”) Grade V. Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3, Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
BALLAD for horn and piano radiates a sensuous lyricism and a nostalgic mood. Its structure is A-B-A-Coda, the A section is melodious, flowing, and expressive. The B section is more animated and has a playful nature. (6’) Grade IV-V.
Score sample: Excerpt.pdf
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
DREAMS FROM THE SHADOWS for horn and vibraphone* explores a wide range of emotional states. From its mystical, contemplative opening, to majestic proclamations, to jubilant sections with a dance-like character, the music suggests a dream-like collage of sonic atmospheres. Soaring melodies and intriguing rhythms coupled with the beautiful sonority of the horn and vibraphone ensemble, make this an audience-friendly composition. *An electronic keyboard (emulating the sound of a vibraphone) may be used as a substitute for the vibes. (10’30”) Grade V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
FABLES FROM AESOP (2001) for violin and horn is in 5 movements: The Dog Who Chased a Lion,
The Astronomer, The Camel Who Wanted Horns, The Crow and the Pitcher,
and The Rabbits and the Frogs. Each begins with a performer
reciting the corresponding fable. Because of its strong programmatic
nature. it is a hit with all types of audiences, including those
comprised of children. Grade V.
Score Samples (transposed score): Movement 1.pdf; Movement 2.pdf;
Movement 3.pdf; Movement 4.pdf; Movement 5.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
FOUR MINIATURES (2011) for two horns is a vibrant sonatina in four movements: Aggressive, Contemplative, Buoyant, and Energetic.
(9’20”) Grade V.
Score samples: Excerpt 1.pdf ; Excerpt 2.pdf ; Excerpt 3.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
IN MEMORIAM (2006) for horn and piano is a sonic tribute to
the millions of soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in time
of war. The 2 movements are reflect the sentiments of poems penned in response to the
war to end all wars, WWI: In Flanders Fields and In Flanders
Fields (An Answer). The music covers a wide range of moods, from lyric
nostalgia to aggressive forcefulness.
(11) Grade V-VI. - Video on YouTube
Sound Samples: Movement 1A.mp3; Movement 1B.mp3;
Movement 2A.mp3; Movement 2B.mp3; Movement 2C.mp3
Score samples in C, Movement 1.pdf: Movement 2.pdf;
Horn part sample (in F): Movement
1.pdf; Movement
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
INTERSTELLAR for horn, tuba and electronic recording is in 3 movements: Reaching Beyond, Lonely and Turbulence, is part of a series of works by the composer inspired by space travel and exploration. The recording contains the sounds of traditional instruments, electronic effects, and actual sounds from outer space indexed on the NASA website. (10’10”) Grade V.
Sound samples: Movement 1: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3;
Movement 2: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Movement 3: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3
(Click tracks for performance, if desired: Mvt 1.mp3, Mvt 2.mp3, Mvt 3.mp3)
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
INTO THE HALL OF VALOR for horn and piano was commissioned during 2018 for hornist Frank Lloyd and The United States Army Field Band for their performance at the 50th IHS Conference.. It is a tribute to soldiers recognized for great courage in the face of danger. Buss states, “About the time I learned that the U.S. Army Field Band would perform the premier, I was reading about the “Hall of Valor" located at the National Infantry Museum and was inspired to write this work as a salute to those who have been recognized therein, as well as soldiers honored at similar venues. The music is heroic, majestic, and the solo horn adds significantly to this.“ (7’55) Grade V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3
This work is also published in a version for horn and band by Brixton Publications.
YouTube Video of the premier performance:
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
NIGHT TIDE (1995, 2012) for horn and marimba was inspired by the New England coastline at night and features an evocative interplay between turbulent and serene sections. ‘The Evening’s highlight, Night Tide was a stunning portrait of the sea’s ebb and flow.” - The Maine Sunday Telegram (8’30”) Grade V.
Score Sample.pdf - YouTube video
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
TIME CAPSULE for two horns is a sonatina in 4 movements: Daybreak, Chorale, Rendezvous, and Homeward Bound. Daybreak has a frolicking and optimistic character. Chorale breaks with the traditional structure of the chorale in that each phrase gets a measure longer and the harmonies contain some spicy dissonances as well. Rendezvous, is in a lilting 6/8 and "works up a lather" as it progresses to a climax. Homeward Bound, begins with a fanfare-like passage that gives way to a spirited dance with spirited interplay between the instruments. (7’) Grade IV-V.
Score sample: Excerpts.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Horn ensembles: (Top of Page)
AQUARIUS (2013) for three horns. The 2 movements At the Glow of Dawn, and Ocean Blue explore a variety of sonic atmospheres and moods. (7’) Grade V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
AVE VERUM CORPUS by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, arranged by Howard Buss for four horns was one of the last works composed by this Classical master. It is especially effective in a church setting. Each part may use multiple performers.
(3’30”) Grade II.
Sound sample: Excerpt.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press

CANZONA by Florentio Maschera (1540-1584) arranged by Howard J. Buss for four horns is in the imitative style from the exciting period bridging the Renaissance and Baroque eras. Multiple performers may be used on each part. (2’15”) Grade II.
Score Sample: Excerpt.pdf, Sound Sample: Excerpt.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
DRY BONES, the well-known African American spiritual (the foot bone's connected to the leg bone, the leg bone's connected to the...),
arranged by Howard
Buss. Multiple players may be used on each part to expand
the ensemble.
The introduction begins hymn-like, then breaks out in a jubilant jazzy section. This is followed by a more traditional rendering of the spiritual and as the music reaches its climax, the jazz "licks" from the introduction are brought back as counterpoint against the main melody of the spiritual. For a bit of humor, as the work ends, there is a "tongue-in-cheek" plagal cadence.
(230) Grade IV.
Dry Bones horn quartet score sample: Excerpt.pdf ; Sound Sample: Excerpt.mp3
- Music available from Cimarron Music Press
FANFARE FOR A GOLDEN ERA for 15 horns was commissioned for the 50th Anniversary of the International Horn Society and the opening ceremony at its 2018 Symposium. It uses 3 quintets which work independently and as a unit symbolizing the cooperation of different regions of horn players from across the world. The music is designed so that the attention of the audience is focused on the interactions of the individual groups in a spatial context. One short section in particular maximizes the effect as the notes are passed from one to another in wave-like fashion. (4’40”) Grade V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3
Video of the premier performance: https://youtu.be/4_F3gMI5GrI
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
LEVI'S DREAM (2015) for horn quartet (or ensemble). Multiple players may be used on the parts to expand the ensemble. The title refers to an imagined dream of Levi, the namesake of the Israelite Tribe. The Levites were known for their involvement in priestly duties and music. This music has a distinctly Middle-eastern quality. The soulful nature of the slower sections is enhanced by the expressive, luscious ambience of the horns. The composition features two sections with original tunes in the style of Jewish folk songs. One is slow and contemplative, the other, jubilant. Levi’s Dream is an audience-friendly work appropriate for the concert hall or a house of worship.
(7’40”) Grade IV-V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3, Excerpt 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
PATHWAYS (2015) for horn quartet. Without using extended techniques and difficult technical displays, this work showcases the horn quartet. Written in 4 connected movements, the music has a strong narrative quality. The general characteristics of the movements are: energetic, playful and marching, plaintive, and buoyantly joyous. Although the musical language is sophisticated, because of the work’s moderate tessitura and modest technical requirements, Pathways is accessible to horn quartets comprised of moderately advanced students and amateurs, yet, professional-level hornists will enjoy its energy, vitality and colorful scoring. (9’27”)
Grade IV-V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3, Excerpt 2.mp3, Excerpt 3.mp3, Excerpt 4.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
PRAYER (2015) for 12-part horn ensemble is a meditative work designed to be performed in a concert venue or as a musical offering in a house of worship. Its reverent quality is enhanced by the rich sonority and organ-like quality of the large horn ensemble. It begins with a lyrical 12-tone melody that is symbolic of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The dodecaphonic reference also relates to the instrumentation: In the concluding section, the twelve pitches of the opening melody are presented with each player assigned to one pitch. A reverent atmosphere permeates the musical tapestry throughout. Prayer is accessible to amateur and high school-level players.
(5’10”) Grade III-IV.
Sound sample: Excerpt.mp3; Score Sample.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
PRELUDE AND INTRADA for 4 horns features lyrical writing, and spirited rhythmic drive. The Prelude combines fanfare and lyrical sections as well as tonal and polytonal harmonies. The festive Intrada is in an ABA-Coda format and features crisp, energetic rhythms and lyrical contrapuntal writing. Multiple players may be used on each part.
(5’15”) Grade V.
Score Sample.pdf - Sound Samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
RICERCARE by Andrea Gabrieli (1510-1586) transcribed for 4 horns by Howard J. Buss. is written in the imitative style of the late Renaissance. Particularly memorable are the metric modulations, a feature common in the dance music of the day. Each part may use multiple performers.
(2’30”) Grade III.
Sound sample: Excerpt.mp3
- Score Sample.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Horn with percussion ensemble: (Top of Page)
REFLECTIVE JOURNEY for horn and percussion quartet is dedicated to hornist Dr. Andrew Pelletier and percussionist Roger Schupp. The musical thrust of this work is analogous to a spiritual voyage one may experience while dealing with a major crisis. The sections of the composition contain much contrast and transverse a wide range of moods - from the hauntingly pensive, to tender lyricism, to jubilation. (14’40”)
Grade V-VI. - Percussion Set-up.pdf; Score Sample.pdf; Solo part sample.pdf
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Horn in chamber music - trios (Top of Page)
ENIGMATIC TRIPTYCH for trumpet, horn, and trombone is dedicated to trombonist Dr. Daniel Cherry. The word “Enigma” is derived from the Greek word ainissesthai, meaning "to speak in riddles." This three-movement brass trio was composed in late 2022 and early 2023, an uncertain time when it appeared that the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic could be behind us.The titles of the movements, Sanguine, Mystic, and Eccentric, may offer the listener some clues as to the “riddle” behind the music. (11') Grade V-VI. Score samples.pdf
- Video on YouTube
Sound samples:
Movement 1.mp3, Movement 2.mp3; Movement 3A.mp3, and 3B.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
IMAGINATIONS(2012) for horn, trombone and piano. Ranging from lyric tenderness to powerful (and sometimes fiery) technical displays, the 2 movements, Contemplative and Auspicious, explore a wide range of sonic atmospheres and moods. Imaginations was composed for Gene Berger, horn; John Seidel, trombone; and Elizabeth Seidel, piano. (13’) Grade V-VI.
Sound Samples: Movement 1: excerpt 1.mp3; excerpt 2.mp3;
Movement 2, excerpt 1.mp3; excerpt 2.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
INTERSTELLAR for horn, tuba and electronic recording is in 3 movements, Reaching Beyond, Lonely and Turbulence, is part of a series of works by the composer inspired by space travel and exploration. The recording contains the sounds of traditional instruments, electronic effects, and actual sounds from space indexed on the NASA website. (10’10”) Grade V.
Sound samples: Movement 1: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3;
Movement 2: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Movement 3: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3
(Click tracks for performance, if desired: Mvt 1.mp3, Mvt 2.mp3, Mvt 3.mp3)
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
PASSAGE TO EDEN (2001) for clarinet,
horn, and piano is in 4 connected movements.
The mood of the first is of ominous significance, as if one was preparing
to embark on an arduous journey. The music is lyrical, yet contains an
undercurrent of tension and anticipation. The second movement features contrapuntal dialogue between the clarinet and the horn over a driving
ostinato in the piano. The
lyrical and animated counterpoint sounding over the running bass line
and chord punctuations in the keyboard gradually give way to a section
of turbulence which serves as a transition to the relative calm of the
following movement.The third movement has an easy flowing
vitality. There is a silvery brilliance to the music with a hint of nostalgia.
The finale is spirited and jubilant in character.
The atmosphere generated is one of a triumphant proclamation which grows
increasingly exultant as the work culminates in a rousing coda.
(12') Grade V-VI. - Sound Samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
TRIO LYRIQUE for horn, bassoon and piano was composed for Drs. Gene Berger; horn; Keith Sweger, bassoon; and James Helton, piano for the 2013 International Horn Symposium. As the title implies, the overall character of the music is lyrical, and it gradually evolves from a contemplative and mystical opening to a spirited finale. Although written in one movement, this work is divided into several major, contrasting sections set off from one another with metric modulations. (10’) Grade V.
View on YouTube - Score Sample.pdf
Sound Samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Horn in chamber music - quartets (Works are in alphabetivcal order.) (Top of Page)
AVE VERUM CORPUS for brass quartet (2-1-1) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, transcribed by Howard J. Buss. This rendition
of one of Mozarts most sublime works makes an outstanding feature
number for a recital as well as a wonderful musical offering in church. (330)
Grade II-III.
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
CADENZAS AND INTERLUDES #2 for brass quartet may be performed by a standard brass quartet (2 trumpets, horn and trombone,) or a quartet consisting of a Bb cornet, Eb tenor horn, Bb baritone (T.C.) and Bb euphonium (T.C.), or for a quartet derived from these two groups. The cornet player (or trumpet 1) has the option to double on the Flügelhorn. During this composition each player performs a cadenza. Although the cadenzas are written out, the players may perform what is notated or may take liberties to personalize the music, keeping in mind that it is important that all of the cadenzas should have approximately the same duration. Although the musical language is sophisticated, this concert work is constructed in a way to make it accessible to general audiences. A score and 8 parts are provided. (8’40”) Grade V.
Score sample (score in C): Excerpt.pdf
A recording may be heard on the publisher's site:
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
CANZONA by Florentio Maschera (1540-1584) for brass
quartet (2-1-1 or 2-0-2) part 3 of the music can be played
by either a trombone or a horn, transcribed
by Howard J. Buss. This late Renaissance
work is written in a stirring imitative style. (3') Grade III.
Sound sample: Excerpt.mp3
- Score sample: Excerpt.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
DRY BONES, the well-known African American spiritual (the foot bone's connected to the leg bone, the leg bone's connected to the...),
arranged for brass quartet by Howard
Buss. Multiple players may be used on each part to expand
the ensemble.
The introduction begins hymn-like, then breaks out in a jubilant jazzy section. This is followed by a more traditional rendering of the spiritual, and as the music reaches its climax, the jazz "licks" from the introduction are brought back as counterpoint against the main melody of the spiritual. For a bit of humor, as the work ends there is a "tongue-in-cheek" plagal cadence.
(230) Grade IV.
Dry Bones brass quartet score sample: Excerpt.pdf ; Sound Sample: Excerpt.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
FUGA VII from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2, BWV 876, by J. S. Bach for brass
quartet, [2 B-flat trumpets, horn (an optional trombone part is included as a substitute for the horn on part 3), and trombone] transcribed
by Howard J. Buss. Rather than eliciting a strong emotional response from listeners, this elegant music is designed to showcase compositional craftmanship and stimulate the intellect.
(3) Grade III.
Sound sample: Excerpt.mp3; Score_Sample.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
JAZZICAL #4 (2012) for horn, trombone, tuba and piano. The composer states, “It was not my aim to create a specific hybrid style by synthesizing jazz and modern classical music; rather, my intent was to systematically strip away the fundamental elements of jazz to explore at what point the music ceases being jazz and becomes classical. The style of this work is the resultant this procedure. Because the subject of what constitutes jazz (there are so many kinds) is so complex, depending upon the background and views of the listener, the music will sound jazzy (in varying degrees) to most, and mostly classical to others." (12’45”) Grade V-VI. - Score Sample: Excerpt.pdf
Sound Samples: Excerpt_1.mp3; Excerpt_2.mp3; Excerpt_3.mp3; Excerpt_4.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
RICERCARE ON C by Andrea Gabrieli (1510-1586) for brass quartet (2-1-1 or 2-0-2)
part 3 of the music can be played by either a trombone or a horn,) transcribed by Howard
J. Buss. This
late Renaissance work is written in a stirring imitative style. Particularly interesting are the meter changes involving metric modulations, a trait found in much of the dance music of the day. (230) Grade III.
Sound sample: Excerpt.mp3
- Score sample: Excerpt.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Horn in chamber music - quintets and larger (Works are listed in alphabetical order.) (Top of Page)
BRASS MINIATURES for brass quintet is in four movements inspired by light and images reflected on polished brass: On the Edge, Refractions, Facets, and Illuminated Reflections. In 2018 the composer found a box labeled “1974” in a storage closet. It contained a collection of long-lost scores he had composed 4½ decades earlier. Upon examining the music it was apparent that in these works was a trove of youthful musical ideas that could be developed, polished, and edited into exciting “new” compositions. The musical content of first 3 movements is close to that in the 1974 version. The final movement was rewritten to include elements of the original score, but updated to be closer to the composer’s current musical language. While On the Edge, Refractions, and Facets, have a decided edginess to them; Illuminated Reflections is more consonant and lyrical. It includes subtle references to material in the previous movements as well a buffed rendition of the opening melody of the first movement in its coda.
(7’22”) Grade V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3
Score sample: Excerpts.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
BROM BONES for 10-part brass choir musically depicts the character and exploits of Washington Irving’s dashing prankster in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The musical ensemble consists of 4 Bb trumpets (an optional Eb part is included for trumpet 1), one horn, 3 tenor trombones, one bass trombone, and tuba. This work is in 5 movements: Overture, The Smoke Out, The Schoolhouse Caper, Ichabod’s Romance, and Night Encounter.
Following the energetic and heroic Overture, in The Smoke Out tone clusters represent the buildup of smoke in Ichabod’s singing school. Chorale-like passages suggest the music of the singers in training. The movement ends in transition, as Brom Bones and his small band of pranksters gallop off to their next adventure. The Schoolhouse Caper combines aggressive and topsy-turvy passages with humorous, plodding interjections. Ichabod’s Romance begins as a beautiful unaccompanied ballad which is abruptly disturbed by a cacophony of muted brass, suggesting the whining of Brom’s mocking dog. Beautiful hymn-like sections serve as the backdrop to heartfelt solo passages, which are again disturbed by Brom’s annoying dog. The movement ends as it began, with the beautiful solo. The intense final movement, Night Encounter, depicts Ichabod’s frightening and fateful run-in with the Headless Horseman, suspected by some to be Brom Bones in disguise. (14’30”) Grade V-VI. - Video on YouTube
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3
Score sample: Excerpts.pdf - Music available from Cimarron Music Press
CHROMATIC FANTASY (1997) for brass
quintet was composed for the United States Air Force Brass Quintet.
This tour de force is a riveting excursion
through driving ostinati and sparkling chromatic flourishes.It was premiered by the U.S.A.F. Brass Quintet at the Eastern
Trombone Workshop hosted by the U.S. Army Band.
(8) Grade
Sound Samples:
1 (the opening).mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3 - Score sample: Excerpt.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Award Winner! CONCORD (1990) for brass quintet teems with the vitality of youth. Lyrical passages are juxtaposed
with fanfare-like sections to create a dramatic and festive atmosphere.
Written for the opening of a performing arts high school in Florida, this
rousing composition was winner of the 1991 Erik Satie Mostly Tonal Award.
This makes an impressive contest piece or rousing feature number. (6) Grade V.
Video on YouTube - Score sample: Excerpt.pdf
Sound Samples: Sample 1.mp3; Sample
2.mp3; Sample 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
ECLIPSE for flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, horn, trombone, and three percussion was composed in 1974. There is a feeling of suspense throughout during this musical representation of a solar eclipse.
Sound Samples: Excerpt
1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3 - Video on YouTube
Order from Subito Music
FIVE STARS (2004) for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet,
horn, and bassoon). Each of the five
movements features a different member of the ensemble: Into the Maelstrom features the flute, A Distant Glow (horn), Orbits (oboe), The Message from the Cosmic Sea (bassoon), and Dance of the Stars (clarinet). This music is sophisticated, yet audience-friendly. It is well suited for school outreach concerts.
(1710") Grade V.
Sound Excerpts:Mov.#1.mp3; Mov.#2.mp3; Mov.#3.mp3; Mov.#4.mp3; Mov.#5.mp3.
Videos on YouTube: I. Into the Maelstrom, II. A Distant Glow, III. Orbits,
IV.The Message from the Cosmic Sea, V. Dance of the Stars
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
FLOURISHES for two brass quintets. Antiphonal brass quintets face off in this dramatic showpiece that culminates in a dazzling climax. Use of a conductor is suggested. (9') Grade V-VI.
Order from Subito Music
ISLAND OF ENCHANTMENT “5 Vignettes from Puerto Rico” for flute, clarinet, French horn, bassoon, and piano was written during the summer of 2022 for clarinetist Dr. Kathleen Jones and the 40th Anniversary of Camerata Caribe of San Juan, Puerto Rico. An English horn may be used as a substitute for the French horn. Camerata Caribe premiered the work on February 5, 2023 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The five movements are: Sunrise Paints the Land, To the Shore “Arecibo”, Glowing Water “La Parguera”, The Rain Forest “El Yunque”, and Mongoosian Intrigues. (12') Grade V-VI. Score sample: Excerpts.pdf
- Video on YouTube
Sound samples: Movement_1.mp3; Movement_2.mp3;
Movement_3.mp3; Movement_4.mp3; Movement_5.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
SONATA K. 380 by Scarlatti, Domenico for brass
quintet, transcribed by Howard
J. Buss. This delightful work was originally composed for keyboard
by Domenico Scarlatti circa 1754 and was titled Sonata in
E Major K. 380 (Longo 23). This transcription for brass quintet preserves
the essential traits of the composers unique style, including his
compositional use of register with florid treble parts and a strictly
functional, supportive bass.
(630) Grade IV.
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
SONIC FABLES: Lessons from Aesop (1991) for brass quintet and one percussion. Entertaining musical
representations of six of Aesops fables are presented between
a Prelude and Postlude. The text of the fables is printed
on a preliminary page to the score and may be used as written program
notes. Each fable may also by recited by a member of the ensemble or a
narrator prior to performing the accompanying movement. Because of the
programmatic subject matter and the colorful spirit of the music, Sonic
Fables works well with all types of audiences, including those
of children. It is frequently performed as a feature number on school programs. Percussion: 2 suspended cymbals, temple blocks, snare drum, tomtom, triangle, tambourine,
wind chimes, xylophone, and tam-tam. The total
duration is about 17 minutes; however, the 8 movements may be performed
in smaller groupings if so desired by the performers. (18)
Grade V-VI.
Sound Excerpts: Prelude.mp3 (with the beginning of narrator's lead-in to the first fable);
The Hawk and the Nightingale.mp3;
The Middle-Aged Man and His Two Mistresses.mp3; The Cat and the Rooster.mp3
The PipingFisherman.mp3 (with the beginning of narrator's lead-in to the next movement)
The Fox and the Leopard.mp3; The Lion and the Bear.mp3; Postlude.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
THREE CONTEMPLATIONS for wind quintet was composed during 2022 for the University of Central Florida Faculty Wind Quintet. It was premiered by this ensemble on September 21, 2023 in Orlando, Florida. Its three movments are In the Glow of Love, Daydreams, and Amid the Storm. (12'30") Grade V-VI. Score sample: Excerpts.pdf
Sound samples: Movement 1.mp3; Movement 2.mp3; Movement 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
TRIBUTE TO STEPHEN FOSTER “A Medley of Six Favorites” arranged for brass quintet by Howard J. Buss. Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864) is often referred to as “the father of American music.” Many of his songs serve as a window into the spirit of America in his day. Others are exquisitely sentimental. Whether or not one approves of the lyrics of his minstrel songs, the enduring beauty and vitality of his melodies cannot be denied. In addition to the 6 Foster songs in this arrangement, Buss interjects 2 other well-known melodies. The “First Call” bugle call is woven into the tapestry of Camptown Races” and “The Girl I Left Behind Me” serves as a partner song to “Ring, Ring, the Banjo.”
I. “Old Black Joe” (2’)
II. “Camptown Races” (1’40”)
III. “Beautiful Dreamer” (2’15”)
IV. “Old Folks at Home” also known as “Swanee River” (2’12”)
V. “Ring, Ring the Banjo” – “Oh, Susannah!” (2’41”)
The movements may be played individually or in smaller groupings. The total duration is about 11’ without pauses between the movements. Grade V.
Score sample: Excerpts.pdf;
Sound Samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3; Excerpt 5.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Horn and band
INTO THE HALL OF VALOR for horn and band was commissioned for the 50th Anniversary of the International Horn Society. It was written for hornist Frank Lloyd and The United States Army Field Band for their performance at the 2018 IHS Conference. It is a tribute to soldiers recognized for great courage in the face of danger. The composer states, “About the time I learned that the U.S. Army Field Band would perform the premier, I was reading about the “Hall of Valor" located at the National Infantry Museum and was inspired to write a work as a salute to those who have been recognized therein, as well as soldiers honored at similar venues. The character of the music is heroic, majestic, and the solo horn adds significantly to this.“ (7’55") Grade V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3
This work is also published in a version for horn and piano (see above.)
Video of the premier performance: https://youtu.be/N9amEKYcck8
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
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Howard J. Buss, Composer
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Horn Music, graded catalog.
Product description: French horn music: Solos, Duos, Ensembles, Chamber Music |