Oboe/English horn music
(Click on an instrumentation link, works are listed in alphabetical order within each category.)
Solo oboe, unaccompanied
Oboe or English horn with one
other instrument (includes oboe or English horn with piano)
Double Reed Ensembles
Oboe or English horn in chamber music (trios)
Oboe in chamber music - quartets (includes standard woodwind quartets)
Oboe in chamber music - quintets and larger (includes standard wind quintets)
Solo oboe, unaccompanied Works are listed in alphabetical order, durations are in parenthesis.
A DAY IN THE CITY 7 Vignettes
(1986) for solo oboe. These
colorful musical scenes from the city are excellent study and recital pieces.
Each of the 7 movements depict an experience the composer had one day in during a visit to New York City. Another Sunrise, Off to a Busy Day, The Lost Key Episode, The Waitin' in Line Blues, Romantic Interlude, and Out on the Town. "Tonal, charming and imaginative! The low purchase
price and the incisive approach of a skilled composer make this a piece
worth seeking out.- PMEA News (10) Grade IV.
Score sample: Excerpts.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Oboe or English horn with
one other instrument Works are listed in alphabetical order, durations are in parenthesis. (Top of Page)
DE LA MADERA (2006) for oboe and marimba.The Spanish title means From the Wood and
refers not only to the material producing the tones, but also the alluring
enchantment of the forest. This duo mixes soaring lyricism and exciting contrasts with spicy Latin rhythms. (1015) Grade V-VI.
Score samples: Score
sample 1.pdf ; Score
sample 2.pdf
Sound samples: Excerpt_1.mp3; Excerpt_2.mp3; Excerpt_3.mp3
Video on YouTube
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
FELINITY for clarinet & English horn or for two clarinets. Both versions are included with the published set. Cast in 3 colorful
movements: Alfies Dance, Behind the Cryptic Gaze, and
Intrigues, this work is greatly influenced
by the feline qualities of grace, sleekness, stealth and playfulness. It was commissioned by clarinetist, Karen Dannessa, and English hornist, Henry Grabb.
(8) Grade V.
Version for English horn and clarinet score samples (transposed score):
Movement 1.pdf; Movement
2.pdf ;
Movement 3.pdf
Sound samples: Movement 1.mp3; Movement 2.mp3; Movement 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
SEASIDE REFLECTIONS (1993, revised 2018) captures
the serenity of musing by the sea. In the preface to the score is printed the following free verse by the composer. It is suggested that the poem be narrated immediately before the performance and/or printed in the program notestoset themoodforthe music:: On
the shore of eternity swirling currents of liquid chaos gather for and disperse
as foam. As rock wears to sand all dissonance transforms to serenity. Time
presses no longer. (7) Grade IV.
Sound samples: Version for oboe and piano - Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3, Excerpt 3.mp3
Version for oboe and harp - Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3, Excerpt 3.mp3
Version for oboe
and piano - Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Version for oboe
and harp - Music available from Cimarron Music Press
SKYLINES (2003) for English
horn and piano.
Cast in two movements, this work is a musical urban
portrait. No specific city is depicted;
rather, the composer captures, in a broad manner, the essence of the big
city spectacle. The lyrical and majestic first movement, Panorama,
suggests the expansive grandeur of cityscape. The second, Amid the Spires, is influenced by jazz and captures the dynamic energy of life on
the busy streets.
(1030) Grade V.
Score samples (score in C): Movement 1.pdf ; Movement 2.pdf
Sound samples: Movement 1.mp3; Movement 2a.mp3;
Movement 2b.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
SONATINA OF REMEMBRANCE for oboe and piano is dedicated to oboist, Dr. Henry Grabb and is tribute to the memory of the victims of Covid-19. This lyrical work was composed during 2021 and 2022 at a time when the world was being ravaged by the pandemic. The four movements are: Remembering You, Pensive Interlude, To a Departed Friend, and Hope Endures. The composition was premiered by Dr. Grabb and pianis Lotus Cheng on October 8, 2023 at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. (10') Grade V. Score sample: Excerpts.pdf
Sound Excerpts: Movement 1.mp3; Movement 2.mp3; Movement 3.mp3; Movement 4.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
SUITE AMICI for flute/alto flute and oboe/English horn was composed for Amici Musicale of the University of South Florida in Tampa: Drs. Francesca Arnone, flutes; and Amy Collins, oboe/English horn. The five movements are Prelude; First Encounter; Romance; Second Encounter; and Reverie, Third Encounter. (12')
Grade V-VI. Score sample: Excerpts.pdf
Sound samples: Movement_1.mp3; Movement_2.mp3;
Movement_3.mp3; Movement_4.mp3; Movement_5.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
TIME CAPSULE (1996) for oboe and bassoon is a sonatina in 4 movements: The first, Daybreak, has a frolicking and optimistic character. Chorale breaks with the traditional structure of the chorale in that each phrase gets a measure longer and its harmonies contain some spicy dissonances as well. Rendezvous, is in a lilting 6/8 and "works up a lather" as it progresses to an exciting climax. The final movement, Homeward Bound, begins with a fanfare-like passage that gives way to a spirited dance characterized by an intriguing interplay between the instruments.(7)
Grade IV-V.
Score Samples: Movement_1.pdf; Movement_2.pdf; Movement_3.pdf; Movement_4.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
TOTALLY TUBULAR for oboe/English horn and trumpet/flügelhorn. Its 3 movements traverse a wide variety of sonic atmospheres and moods. The first, Initiations, is scored for oboe and muted trumpet. Waveful features the beautiful and enchanting combination of the English horn and flügelhorn. The performers shift back onto the oboe and trumpet for the stirring final movement, Emanations. The titles of the movements, as well as that of the larger work, refer to a number of uses of the expression ‘totally tubular.” Obviously, the instruments used in the piece are tubular. The expression is used in popular culture to indicate excitement, or that something is “rad“, cool”, or “punk.” Among surfers the expression has been used to describe particularly impressive breaking barrel waves.
(8’) Grade V. Score sample: Excerpts.pdf - Video on YouTube
Sound samples: Movement 1.mp3; Movement 2.mp3; Movement 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press

(2005) for flute/alto flute and oboe/English
horn is in three movements: Zephyrs.
Whispers Amid the Pines, and Harbinger of the Storm.
Grade V.
samples: Mvt. 1 Zephyrs.pdf, Mvt. 2 Whispers Amid the Pines.pdf
sample: Mvt. 3 Harbinger of the Storm.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Double Reed Ensembles
AMONG THE REEDS for two oboes, English horn, two bassoons and contrabassoon. The title refers to scenes in a marshland near the composer’s home in Florida, as well as the instruments used to create the sonic portrait. The character of the music is bright, radiant, and at times conveys a sense of optimism, as if to suggest that the rustling reeds contain within them hints a propitious future. The scoring is colorful and inventive, yet does not require the performers to venture into extreme registers or use extended techniques. Among the Reeds was composed for the 2018 International Double Reed Society Conference. (6’30”) Grade V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3
Video on YouTube
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
FUGA VII in Eb Major from Book II of The Well-Tempered Clavier by J. S. Bach (BWV 876), transcribed for double reed quartet (2 oboes, English horn and bassoon) or ensemble by Howard J. Buss was first published in 1744. Rather than intending to elicit a strong emotional response from listeners, this elegant music is designed to showcase the compositional craftsmanship and stimulate the intellect. An optional bassoon part is included to cover part 3 in case an English horn player is not available. (2'30") Grade III.
Sound Sample: Excerpt.mp3; Score_Sample.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Oboe in chamber music (trios):
Works are listed in alphabetical order, durations are in parenthesis. (Top of Page)
CONTRASTS IN BLUE for oboe, bassoon and piano is in two movements:
Evening Shadows and Summer Sea. The music is evocative of
the imagery suggested by the titles of the movements and of the musical
blues as well. The themes of shadows and water also suggest
a kinship with the impressionist style of 100 years earlier.
(1530) Grade V. Score samples: Movement 1.pdf; Movement 2.pdf
Sound samples: Movement 1 - Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3
Movement 2 - Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3;
Video on YouTube
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
TURBULENT TIMES for flute, oboe, and bassoon was composed during the Fall of 2009, a time when The Great Recession held its powerful grip much of the world and uncertainty continued to build within American society.There was a general sense that the prosperity of the past may never return, and that the future may bring even more hardships. As the seemingly endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wore on, many did not expect peace to return in the foreseeable future. Yet, life went on. The music suggests the ebb and flow of the intense uncertainty felt by many with the more pleasant aspects of everyday life. Following the lyrical and plaintive introduction, stormy passages give way to sections of relative tranquility, only to reappear. (11’) Grade V.
Sound Samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4 (the end).mp3
- Score Sample.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
TWO CAPRICES (2007) for flute, oboe, and marimba is
in two movements. Evocation moves from a mysterious opening
to a beautiful extended section in a pensive mood. Romp features beautiful
lyricism and spirited rhythms with a Latin flare. Two Caprices was composed
for Drs. Amy Collins, oboe; Kim McCormick, flute; and Robert McCormick, marimba
and was premiered by them at the 2007 International
Double Reed Society Conference.
(10'30") Grade V. YouTube video
Sound Samples: Movement 1, Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3 - Movement 2, Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
VILLAGE SCENES (2004) for oboe,
clarinet, and bassoon was inspired by the composers
childhood memories of the village of Old Zionsville in Lehigh County,
Pennsylvania. The three movements are Playground Games, The Church By the Spring, and The Arrival
of Winter. (716) Grade V.
Score samples (score in C): Movement 1.pdf ; Movement 2.pdf ; Movement 3.pdf
Sound samples: Movement 1.mp3; Movement 2.mp3; Movement 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Oboe in chamber music (quartets):
Works are listed in alphabetical order, durations are in parenthesis. (Top of Page)
COSMIC PORTRAITS (2009) for woodwind quartet (flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon) consists of 3 movements inspired by views of objects in the Milky Way galaxy. The titles of the first 2 movements, The Backbone of Night and The Pale Blue Dot are taken from the writings of the renowned astrophysicist, Carl Sagan. In his book, Cosmos, he describes how the !Kung Bushman in Botswana refer to the Milky Way as “the backbone of night.” The spine of the Milky Way often appears directly over the Kalahari Desert. The !Kung believe it to be the structural foundation of the heavens and that one of its functions in relation to Earth, among many, is that it holds up the darkness.
In his book, The Pale Blue Dot, Sagan poetically describes a haunting view of Earth from a distant point in our galaxy. He puts our worldly concerns into cosmic perspective when he refers to all that has ever happened to human beings as occurring “on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” The final movement, Orbitals, suggests celestial bodies revolving around one another in a fascinating cosmic dance. Moons orbiting planets, planets around suns, suns around other suns culminate in the swirling wonder of our galaxy. (18’10”) Grade V.
Score Samples: Movement_1.pdf; Movement_2.pdf; Movement_3.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
DRY BONES, the well-known African American spiritual (the foot bone's connected to the leg bone, the leg bone's connected to the...), arranged for woodwind
quartet (flute,
clarinet, oboe and bassoon) by Howard Buss. Multiple
players may be used on each part to expand the ensemble. The introduction begins hymn-like, then breaks out in a jubilant jazzy section. This is followed by a more traditional rendering of the spiritual. As the music reaches its climax, the jazz "licks" from the introduction are brought back as counterpoint against the main melody of the spiritual. For a bit of humor, just as the work ends, there is a "tongue-in-cheek" plagal cadence. (230) Grade IV.
Sound Samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3 Score_Sample.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
FUGA VII in Eb Major from Book II of The Well-Tempered Clavier by J. S. Bach (BWV 876), transcribed for double reed quartet (2 oboes, English horn & bassoon) or ensemble by Howard J. Buss was first published in 1744. Rather than intending to elicit a strong emotional response from listeners, this elegant music is designed to showcase the compositional craftsmanship and stimulate the intellect. An optional bassoon part is included to cover part 3 in case an English horn player is not available. (2'30") Grade III.
Sound Sample: Excerpt.mp3; Score_Sample.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
PRELUDE AND INTRADA for woodwind quartet (flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon) features lyrical writing, and spirited rhythmic drive. The Prelude combines fanfare and lyrical sections as well as tonal and polytonal harmonies. The festive Intrada is in an ABA-Coda format and features crisp, energetic rhythms and lyrical contrapuntal writing. Multiple players may be used on each part. (5’30”) Grade V.
Sound Samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3 - Score Sample: excerpt.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
Oboe in chamber music (quintets & larger)
Works are listed in alphabetical order, durations are in parenthesis. (Top of Page)
AMONG THE REEDS for two oboes, English horn, two bassoons, and contrabassoon.The title refers to scenes in a marshland near the composer’s home in Florida, as well as the instruments used to create the sonic portrait. The character of the music is bright, radiant, and at times conveys a sense of optimism, as if to suggest that the rustling reeds contain within them hints a propitious future. The scoring is does not require the performers to venture into extreme registers or use extended techniques. Among the Reeds was composed for the 2018 International Double Reed Society Conference. (6’30”) Grade V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3
Video on YouTube
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
ECLIPSE for flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, horn, trombone, and three percussion was composed in 1974. There is a feeling of suspense throughout during this musical representation of a solar eclipse.
Sound Samples: Excerpt
1.mp3; Excerpt 2.mp3 - Video on YouTube
Order from Subito Music
FIVE STARS (2004) for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet,
horn, and bassoon). Each of the five
movements features a different member of the ensemble: Into the Maelstrom features the flute, A Distant Glow (horn), Orbits (oboe), The Message from the Cosmic Sea (bassoon), and Dance of the Stars (clarinet). This music is sophisticated, yet audience-friendly. It is well suited for school outreach concerts. (1710") Grade V.
Sound Excerpts: Mov.#1.mp3; Mov.#2.mp3; Mov.#3.mp3; Mov.#4.mp3; Mov.#5.mp3
Videos on YouTube: I. Into the Maelstrom, II. A Distant Glow, III. Orbits,
IV.The Message from the Cosmic Sea, V. Dance of the Stars
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
ISLAND OF ENCHANTMENT “5 Vignettes from Puerto Rico” for flute, clarinet, French horn, bassoon, and piano was written during the summer of 2022 for clarinetist Dr. Kathleen Jones and the 40th Anniversary of Camerata Caribe of San Juan, Puerto Rico. An English horn may be used as a substitute for the French horn. Camerata Caribe premiered the work on February 5, 2023 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The five movements are: Sunrise Paints the Land, To the Shore “Arecibo”, Glowing Water “La Parguera”, The Rain Forest “El Yunque”, and Mongoosian Intrigues.
(12') Grade V-VI. Score sample: Excerpts.pdf
- Video on YouTube
Sound samples: Movement_1.mp3; Movement_2.mp3;
Movement_3.mp3; Movement_4.mp3; Movement_5.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
SKYLINES, version for woodwind sextet was originally composed for trumpet and piano during the Fall of 2002. This version for woodwind sextet was commissioned in 2019 by Victoria Ward Ltd. in memory of clarinetist David Marshall. It is scored for flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet,
bass clarinet and bassoon (an additional bassoon part is provided as a substitute for the bass clarinet, part 5.) This is a musical urban portrait in 2 movements: No specific city is depicted; rather, the composer captures, in a broad manner, the essence of the big city spectacle. The lyrical and majestic first movement, Panorama, suggests the expansive grandeur of cityscape. The second, Amid the Spires, exudes the dynamic energy of life on the busy streets. Score and parts are included. (10’30”) Grade V.
Sound samples: 1.mp3, 2.mp3; 3.mp3; 4.mp3 - Score sample: Excerpt.pdf
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
THREE CONTEMPLATIONS for wind quintet was composed during 2022 for the University of Central Florida Faculty Wind Quintet. It was premiered by this ensemble on September 21, 2023 in Orlando, Florida. Its three movments are In the Glow of Love, Daydreams, and Amid the Storm. (12'30") Grade V-VI. Score sample: Excerpts.pdf
Sound samples: Movement 1.mp3; Movement 2.mp3; Movement 3.mp3
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
(Top of Page)
Howard J. Buss, Composer
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Oboe Music, graded catalog of sheet music.
Product description: Oboe and English horn: Solos, Duos, Ensembles, and Chamber Music. |