Clarinet or bass clarinet solo with percussion ensemble
Listed in alphabetical order, durations are in parenthesis.
COEXISTENCE (1979) for clarinet and 4 percussion. Dramatic tension permeates this work as the solitary clarinet
is pitted against the potentially explosive and overpowering might of
the percussion ensemble. Timbral modulations figure prominently throughout
the work. Percussion distribution: Percussion
1: Xylophone, chimes (tubular bells), orchestra bells, tom toms,
sizzle cymbal, tam-tam, triangle and wind chimes; Percussion 2:
Vibes, celesta (muted orchestra bells may be substituted), triangle,
tambourine, temple blocks, maracas, and snare drum; Percussion 3:
suspended cymbals, triangle, cow bell, snare drum, bass drum, and tam
tam; Percussion 4: Marimba, timpani, cow bell, large tam-tam
(which may be shared with players 1 and 3), ratchet, whip, hi-hat, and
wind chimes.An exquisite concert piece
that will keep listeners on the edges of their seats!- The Clarinet. This
- Percussive Notes (9) Grade V.
Sound Samples: Excerpt 1.mp3; Excerpt
2.mp3; Excerpt 3.mp3
Video on YouTube
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
SPECTRUM (2015) for bass clarinet and 4 percussion was written for clarinetist Dr. Keith Koons and the University of Central Florida Percussion Ensemble. The structure of this one-movement work is suggestive of a journey through a sequence of colorful sonic landscapes. The music utilizes the entire practical range of the bass clarinet, exploring its impressive array of expressive capabilities. From the haunting beauty its low register to the agile brilliance of its upper range, this work reveals the great diversity of moods that can be created with the instrument as well the salient technical characteristics that distinguish it from the other woodwinds. The percussion ensemble, even when used as an accompaniment for the soloist, employs a wide array of timbres and textures. An undercurrent of energy and suspense is added to the musical tapestry as a result of the inherent tension between the soloist and the potentially overpowering might of the percussion battery. (13’50”) Grade V.
Sound samples: Excerpt 1.mp3, Excerpt 2.mp3,
Excerpt 3.mp3; Excerpt 4.mp3; Excerpt 5.mp3
Video on YouTube
Music available from Cimarron Music Press
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Clarinet/Bass Clarinet Sheet Music
Index of Clarinet Music: Click on an instrumentation link, works are listed in alphabetical order within each category.
Solo clarinet - unaccompanied
Clarinet with one other instrument or voice (includes clarinet
duos, clarinet and piano, clarinet and electronic recording, basset horn and piano, etc.)
Clarinet ensembles (includes clarinet
trios, quartets, choirs)
Clarinet or bass clarinet solo with percussion ensemble
Clarinet in chamber music - trios
Clarinet in chamber music - quartets (includes standard woodwind quartets)
Clarinet in chamber music - quintets and sextets (includes standard wind quintets)
Clarinet and band (or wind ensemble)
Howard J. Buss, Composer
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Clarinet Music, Online Graded Catalog of Sheet Music..
Product description: Clarinet & Bass Clarinet: Solos, Duos, Choirs, and Chamber Music |